Halkaan ka aqrisoo wararka wargeyska mogdishutimes 21-12-2024

Saturday December 21, 2024 - 08:34:17 in Wararka by Hamda Omar
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    Halkaan ka aqrisoo wararka wargeyska mogdishutimes 21-12-2024


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Wasiirka Howlaha Guud XFS "Qorshaha dib u dhiska waddooyinka iyo casriyeynta magaalada meel fiican ayeey marayaan”

Wasiirka Wasaaradda Howlaha Guud ee XFS Dr Cilmi Maxamuud oo ka qeybgalay kulanka todobaadka warbaahinta qaranka ayaa sheegay in wadanku uu ka soo kabsananayo burburkii sokeye e ka dhacay dalka, isla markana ay socdan mashariic dib u dhis oo lagu hagajinaayo kabayasha dhaqale ee lagama marmanka u ah shacabka.

"Dalku wuxuu ku yaalla goob Istaraatiiji ah oo ku xiran dalalka geeska Afrika,sidaa daraadeed waa lama huraan in la sameeyo waddooyin dhaadher oo gaara xuduudaha, kana qeybqata kala warejinta badeec-oyinka iyo adeegyada kale” ayuu yiri wasiirka Howlaha Guud.

Wasiirka ayaa xusay in wasaaradda ay waddo qorshayaal dhow iyo kuwo fog oo loogu talagalay dhameystirka kaabayasha dhaqaalaha sida wadooyinka buundoyinka iyo adeegyada kale ee ku xiran nolosha dadka.

Wasiirka ayaa qiray in lagu guda jiro qorshaha qaran ee daraasaadka dalka, sidaa aawadeedna, iyadoo la kaashanaayo dalalka daneeya Soomaaliya mustaqbalka dhow loo gudbi doono dhismaha guryo laga hirgaliyo magaalooyinka oo ay degi karaan dadka caadiga ah iyo kuwa u shaqeeya dowladda.

Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka oo hambalyo u diray Ciidamada Booliiska Soomaaliyeed

Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Somalia Mudane Sheekh Aadan Maxamed Nuur (Madoobe) ayaa hambalyo ku aadan xuska sanad guuradii 81-aad ee kasoo waregatay aas-aaska Ciidanka Booliiska Somaliyed u diray guud ahaan Ciidamada Booliiska.

"Waxaan sarakiisha, sarakiil xigeenada, dableyda, alifleyda guud ahaan Ciidamada Booliiska Soomaaliyeed, xaasaskooda iyo caruurtooda la qeybsanayaa farxadda maalintooda oo kasoo wareegatay 81-sano ka dib markii la aas-asay”, ayuu yiri Gudoomiye Sheekh Aadan Madoobe.

Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Dalka ayaa sheegay in Ciidanka Booliiska Soomaaliyeed uu door muuqda oo firfircoon kaga jiro dowladni-mada Soomaaliyeed islamarkana uu yahay adeegaha bulshada, waxa uuna bulshada Soomaaliyed ugu baaqay in ay la shaqeyan Ciidanka Booliiska Soomaaliyeed.

Ciidamadda Booliiska Soomaaliyeed oo la aas-aasay 20-kii Bishii December sanadki 1943-di ayaa shalay u dabald-egaya sanad Guuradii 81-aad ee kasoo wareegatay aas-aaskiisa.

Wakiilada Ururka Caalamiga ah ee Daraasaadka Soomaaliya oo booqday Jaamacadda Umadda.

Wafdi ka socday Ururka Caalamiga ah ee Daraasadka Soomaaliya oo maalmahan qayb ka ahaa Shirweynaha 15aad ee Ururka Calamiga ah ee Darasadka Soma-liyed, ayaa boqday xarumaha Jaamacadda Ummada Somaliyed e magalada Muqdisho

Wafdiga waxaa ka mid ahaa Gudomi-yeyasha Jaamacadaha Jigjiga, Gaarisa, Camuud iyo sidoo kale madax sare oo ka kala socday Jamacadaha Beder, Burco, Hargeysa iyo masuliyiin ka socday Djibouti.

Wafdigaasi waxa ay kulan la yeesheen Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada HTD ee Soomaaliya, mudane, Farah Sheikh Abdulqadir iyo guddoomiyaha Jaamacada Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, Prof. Dr. Xasan Cusman Gacal, iyaga oo ka wada hadlay horumarinta iyo isku xirka waxbarashada sare ee dhinacyadaasi iyo iskaashi laga yeesho xagga cilmi-baarisyada.

Golaha Ammaanka ee Midowga Afrika oo soo dhaweeyay heshiiska Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya, kuna baaqay in la siiyo maalgelin joogto ah AUSSOM

Golaha Ammaanka ee Midowga Afrika ayaa soo dhoweeyay heshiiskii ay dhawan wada gaareen dowladaha Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya, kaasoo 11-kii December ay ku kala saxiixdeen magaalada Ankara.

Golaha Ammaanka ee Midowga Afrika waxay ku booriyeen in si buuxda loo dhaqangeliyo. Goluhu wuxuu sidoo kale carrabka ku adkeeyay muhiimadda ay leedahay in la xaqiijiyo maalgelinta jogtada ah ee HOlgalka Taagerada Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya (AUSSOM), si kor loogu qaado xasilloonida iyo amniga gobolka Geeska Afrika.

War qoraal ah oo ka soo baxay Golaha Ammaanka ee Midowga Afrika ayaa lagu sheegay in ay uga mahadcelinayaan taageerada joogtada ah ee ay Qaramada Midoobay iyo saaxiibada caalamiga ah u fidiyaan hawlgelinta AUSSOM.

Goluhu waxa kale oo uu ka codsaday Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay in ay sahamiyaan fursadaha maalgelinta ee lagu dejiyay Qaraarka 2719 (2013). Goluhu wuxuu xusay, inay muhiim tahay in AUSSOM ay si hufan u gudato wajiba-dkeda o ay taagerto Qorshaha Hormarinta Amniga ee Soomaaliya (SSDP).

Dagaal xooggan oo ka socda Degaanka Dacawaley oo ka tirsan Dowlad Degaanka Soomaalida

Wararka ka imaanaya Dowlad Degaanka Soomaalida ayaa sheegaya inuu dagaal xoogani ka billowday Deganka Dacawaley oo ka tirsan degmada Xarshin ee gobolka Jarar ee Dowlad Degaanka Soomaalida, dagaalkan ayaa sida la sheegayo waxa uu u dhaxeeyaa Maleeshiyaad hubaysan iyo Ciidamada Degaanka Soomaalida.

Dagaalkan uu billowday galinkii dambe ee daraad ayaa shalay mar kale waxa uu ka billowday isla magaalada Dacawaley, waxayna wararka qaar sheegayaan inuu dagaalkani daraad ku billowday kaddib markii Maleeshiyo hubaysan ay weerar ku soo qaadeen fadhiisin ay Ciidamada Degaanka Soomaalidu ku lahaayeen magaalada Dacawaley, balse wali ma jiraan warar madax banaan oo xaqiijinaya qaabka uu ku bilowday dagaalkan.

Dagaalkan ayaa gaystay khasaare badan oo isugu jirta dhimasho iyo dhaawac, inkastoo aan la xaqiijin karin tirada saxda ah ee waxyeelada dagaalkan haddana waxaa la soo sheegayaa dhimasho aad u badan oo labada dhinacba ah, wararka kale ayaa iyaguna sheegaya in dadkii ku dhaawacmay dagaalkan intoodii badnayd loo qaaday dhinaca Somaliland, maadaama degaanka ay wax ka dhaceen u dhawdahay dhinaca Somaliland.

Dadka degaanka Dacawaley deggan ayaa dhinacooda waxay sheegayaan in Ciidamada Dowlad Degaanka Soomaalidu ay xasuuqeen shacabka magaalada Dacawaley, isla markaana ay dad badan ku laayeen gudaha magaalada Dacawaley, balse ma jiraan ilo madax banaan oo xaqiijin kara warkaas.

Xukuumadda Dowlad Degaanka Somalida wali kamaysan hadlin dagalkan ka dhacay magalada Dacawaley, sidoo kalena ma jiraan ilo madax banaan oo iyaguna ka hadlay dagaalkan, sida lasoo sheegayana wali wuu socdaa dagaalku,

Degaanka ay dagaalladu ka socdaa ayaa waxaa muddooyin badan ka jiray saasaan colaadeed, iyagoo marar horena ay isku dhacyo ka jireen aaggaas, isku dhacyadaas oo u dhaxeeyay dadka degaa-nkaas iyo maamulka degaanka Somalida, balse wali lama ogaan waxa dagaalkan shalay dib usoo kiciyay.

Dacawaley ayaa ah magaalo katirsan degmada Xarshin ee Gobolka Jarar ee Dowlad degaanka Soomaalida, waana magaalo aad ugu dhow xadka degaanku la leeyahay Somaliland, waxaana dega magaaladan dad dhalasho ahaan kasoo jeeda dhinaca Somaliland.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above trade mark (ALSTOM logo (colour) is the property of ALSTOM, a French Limited Company of 48 rue Albert Dhalenne, 93400 Saint-Ouen, FRANCE and that the same trade mark is used for the following products:



Electric apparatus an instruments for traction, signalling, protection, traffic management and/or control, monitoring, control, passenger information, emergency (rescue), teaching, driving and control; control and monitoring apparatus for engines and electrical, electronic apparatus and computer hardware; scientific apparatus and instruments for distributing, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, all of which are covered for fixed or track and/or on board systems, for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed rail vehicles, for railway trains with distributed or concentrated motorisation, for railway cars with or without self-drive, for articulated railway trains or not, for trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; diagnostic apparatus for fixed and mobile road and rail vehicles, including optical, data visualization, measurement, monitoring and control equipment, in particular lasers and surveillance cameras; electronic and electrical equipment for processing satellite location data and electronic and electrical apparatus for monitoring rail and road traffic; system for analysis and diagnosis of the state of railway and road equipment and infrastructure; control equipment for the management of railway and road transport lines; electrodynamic apparatus for remote control of railway switches; alarm instruments and devices; acoustic alarms; command transmitters, warning systems; fire extinguishers ; control and diagnostic apparatus including optical, data visualization, measurement, monitoring and control equipment, in particular lasers and surveillance cameras; data transmission apparatus and equipment; electrical conductors for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed railway vehicles, for distributed or concentrated motorised railway trains, for railway trains comprising or not self-propelled, for articulated or non-articulated railway trains, for trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, for stations and substations; electrical cables; electrical collectors; electrical and electronic remote control systems for railway and road operations; control panels (electrical); control panels (computerised) of railway and road operations; electrical switching apparatus; electric batteries; electric chargers; accumulators and batteries; electric conductors of all kinds; electrical conduits; speed controllers for railway vehicles, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; optical and magnetic data carriers; electrical and electronic relays; speed indicators; light or non-luminous signalling, optical, mechanical, non-mechanical for railway vehicles, for tramways and buses; luminous or mechanical signs; light terminals; electrodynamic apparatus for remote control of signals; electronic signal transmitters; safety apparatus for rail and road traffic; electronic bulletin boards; apparatus for time recording; electric audio warnings; transformers; navigation apparatus for railway and road vehicles (on-board computers); radio navigation apparatus for railway and road vehicles (on-board computers); data processing apparatus; distance measurement and recording apparatus for rail and road vehicles; automatic steering devices for vehicles; voltage regulators for rail and road vehicles; software (recorded programs); software integrated in signalling, control and monitoring devices for railway vehicles, tramways, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; computer programs, namely guidance programs, route search and map plotting for rail and road traffic; mobile telecommunications terminals for rail and road traffic; management software and computer equipment for the analysing and processing data collected by an analysis and diagnostic system, making it possible to ensure continuous management of rail and road traffic and maintenance and continuous or predictive adaptation of rail and road traffic; management software and computer equipment for modelling and simulating rail and road equipment and optimising rail and road equipment; software platform for modelling and numerical simulation, software platform for simulation protocols; satellite navigation apparatus; data processing equipment and computers for fixed, track and/or on-board systems, for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed railway vehicles, for distributed or concentrated motor trains, for railway trains with or without a self-propelled vehicle, for articulated or non-articulated railway trains, for buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; apparatus for transmitting, recording, transmitting, reproducing sound or images embedded or not in railway vehicles, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; telecommunication apparatus, input, storage, data and information processing or data equipment; apparatus for input, counting, collecting, storing, converting, processing, entering, transmitting, transmitting data, information and signals; transmitters and receivers for radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and remote transmission; transmitters and/or receivers of digital data; transmitters and/or receivers of satellite data; antennas, electric data transmission cables; computer, telematics and telephone terminals, in particular for access to global telecommunications networks (of the Internet type) with free, reserved or private access (of the Intranet type) with free or reserved access; satellite geographical localisation receivers [GPS]; video servers, software for continuously broadcasting images, sounds, films, video, namely on demand (VOD), information and data; telecommunication and passenger information devices in stations; multimodal systems integrated into the management of rail and road transport to inform, secure and entertain passengers during their journeys; smoke evacuation systems, fire detection, radio telecommunication devices in tunnels and stations usable in cases of emergency; digital and electronic equipment dedicated to cyber-protection of railway systems; contactors, disconnectors, DC fast circuit breakers, single phase circuit breakers with vacuum switches, three-phase vacuum switches, switches, multifunctional roofing equipment and energy measuring systems; auxiliary converters for electric vehicles, buses, subways, regional trains, high-speed trains and locomotives; traction transformers for urban transit vehicles, regional trains, high-speed trains and locomotives; substations for power supply and supervisors of substations; electrical transformer station; rectifiers, inverters, converters, electric filters; protection devices against over-voltages or electrical interference; apparatus for recovering electrical energy produced by generation on a network; electrical active filtering devices for substations; digital control, regulation and protection for traction substation, associated software; equipment deposited under a railway or roadway for the power supply of passenger and/or freight transport vehicles, said power being supplied by electrical power components and switching; brackets for catenaries; automatic ticket purchase terminals; all these products being related to the railway, road and passenger and/or freight sectors.



Vehicles, including buses, coaches, autonomous electric vehicles and railway vehicles; railway rolling stock, including locomotives, carriages, railcars, self-propelled rail vehicles, high and very high speed rail vehicles, distributed or concentrated motorized rail trains, railway trains with or without a railcar, articulated or non - articulated rail trains; metros and other trains of public transport vehicles, automatic or non-automatic, namely railway vehicles with iron wheels or wheeled vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires or other types of ground connections; buses; coaches; railway carriages; electric vehicles including trams and buses; autonomous vehicles; engines for the aforesaid land vehicles, and parts thereof; pneumatic shock absorbers for the aforesaid land vehicles; transmission belts and corresponding gears for the aforesaid land vehicles; air pumps (vehicle accessories); drive shafts for the aforesaid land vehicles; propulsion mechanisms for the aforesaid land vehicles; brakes, bogies, axles, carriage bodies; carriages; car couplers; tank carriages, parts of land vehicles; shock absorbers for railway and road vehicles; vehicle bogies, vehicle engines, vehicle traction systems.



Construction, construction management, maintenance, repair, renovation, maintenance and installation; information relating to the construction and repair of railway infrastructure, metro, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; supervision [management] of construction work; railway infrastructure construction; production of coatings and tracks; repair information; installation and repair of devices reporting all accidents and incidents impacting rail and road traffic; installation, maintenance, repair and maintenance of control equipment for management of railway and urban transport lines; pumping and drainage of water; construction of railway tracks and structures of concrete or of any other material having support plates and/or anchor points in concrete or plastic material; all these services being related to rolling stock (generally for railways and road transport and/or freight vehicles, including locomotives and railway cars, high and very high speed rail vehicles, distributed or concentrated motorised railway cars, self-propelled or not self-propelled rail vehicles, rail trains, metro, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles) and rail, bus, electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle infrastructure.



Engineering, research and development of new materials and equipment; coordination of engineering, research and development of new materials and equipment; project planning, scientific and technological reporting, research and analysis and research industrial services provided by engineers and/or experts; energy saving tips; quality control; expertise [engineering work]; test of materials; mechanical research; research and development of new products for others; technical research; study of technical projects; engineering; construction consultancy; industrial tests; design, development, maintenance, updating and installation of computer systems and software; urban planning; research in environmental protection; control services for rail and road infrastructure; software consulting; software as a-service [SaaS]; scientific research and design to establish models (static or dynamic) and the integration of these models (engineering) into railway and road applications; engineering services; technical advisory services for the operation and supervision of computer and television broadcasting; technical consultancy services in information technology, telecommunications and television broadcasting; creation (design) of programs for the processing of data and texts of companies; technical consultations and research in telecommunications and television broadcasting; consultations and technical advice in telecommunications and computing; consultation in computers; rental of programs on computer media and by telecommunication; design (development) of computer systems and telecommunication and television broadcasting systems; technical project studies and research in maintenance (maintenance, installation, repair) of computer hardware, telecommunications and television broadcasting; computer technical consulting services; code and format conversion services between different types of texts; rental of access time to a database server centre; providing access to computer networks; creating and installing a web page; designing and maintaining websites; design, installation, maintenance, updating or rental of software, databases; monitoring services (control, monitoring) of computer networks for digital security of rail and/or road operations; design and development of computer languages for modelling and simulation; design of computer systems and embedded systems; providing computer programs for drawing maps and routes and guidance through a communication network; all these services being related to rail, road and public transport of passengers and/or goods.

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that ALSTOM claims all rights in respect of the aforesaid trade mark in Somalia and will initiate appropriate legal action against any person or persons found to be using the aforesaid trade mark or any other trade mark deceptively or confusingly similar, or otherwise infringes on its rights.






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above trade mark (ALSTOM logo)is the property of ALSTOM, a French Limited Company of 48 rue Albert Dhalenne, 93400 Saint-Ouen, FRANCE and that the same trade mark is used for the following products:



Electric apparatus an instruments for traction, signalling, protection, traffic management and/or control, monitoring, control, passenger information, emergency (rescue), teaching, driving and control; control and monitoring apparatus for engines and electrical, electronic apparatus and computer hardware; scientific apparatus and instruments for distributing, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, all of which are covered for fixed or track and/or on board systems, for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed rail vehicles, for railway trains with distributed or concentrated motorisation, for railway cars with or without self-drive, for articulated railway trains or not, for trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; diagnostic apparatus for fixed and mobile road and rail vehicles, including optical, data visualization, measurement, monitoring and control equipment, in particular lasers and surveillance cameras; electronic and electrical equipment for processing satellite location data and electronic and electrical apparatus for monitoring rail and road traffic; system for analysis and diagnosis of the state of railway and road equipment and infrastructure; control equipment for the management of railway and road transport lines; electrodynamic apparatus for remote control of railway switches; alarm instruments and devices; acoustic alarms; command transmitters, warning systems; fire extinguishers ; control and diagnostic apparatus including optical, data visualization, measurement, monitoring and control equipment, in particular lasers and surveillance cameras; data transmission apparatus and equipment; electrical conductors for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed railway vehicles, for distributed or concentrated motorised railway trains, for railway trains comprising or not self-propelled, for articulated or non-articulated railway trains, for trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, for stations and substations; electrical cables; electrical collectors; electrical and electronic remote control systems for railway and road operations; control panels (electrical); control panels (computerised) of railway and road operations; electrical switching apparatus; electric batteries; electric chargers; accumulators and batteries; electric conductors of all kinds; electrical conduits; speed controllers for railway vehicles, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; optical and magnetic data carriers; electrical and electronic relays; speed indicators; light or non-luminous signalling, optical, mechanical, non-mechanical for railway vehicles, for tramways and buses; luminous or mechanical signs; light terminals; electrodynamic apparatus for remote control of signals; electronic signal transmitters; safety apparatus for rail and road traffic; electronic bulletin boards; apparatus for time recording; electric audio warnings; transformers; navigation apparatus for railway and road vehicles (on-board computers); radio navigation apparatus for railway and road vehicles (on-board computers); data processing apparatus; distance measurement and recording apparatus for rail and road vehicles; automatic steering devices for vehicles; voltage regulators for rail and road vehicles; software (recorded programs); software integrated in signalling, control and monitoring devices for railway vehicles, tramways, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; computer programs, namely guidance programs, route search and map plotting for rail and road traffic; mobile telecommunications terminals for rail and road traffic; management software and computer equipment for the analysing and processing data collected by an analysis and diagnostic system, making it possible to ensure continuous management of rail and road traffic and maintenance and continuous or predictive adaptation of rail and road traffic; management software and computer equipment for modelling and simulating rail and road equipment and optimising rail and road equipment; software platform for modelling and numerical simulation, software platform for simulation protocols; satellite navigation apparatus; data processing equipment and computers for fixed, track and/or on-board systems, for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed railway vehicles, for distributed or concentrated motor trains, for railway trains with or without a self-propelled vehicle, for articulated or non-articulated railway trains, for buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; apparatus for transmitting, recording, transmitting, reproducing sound or images embedded or not in railway vehicles, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; telecommunication apparatus, input, storage, data and information processing or data equipment; apparatus for input, counting, collecting, storing, converting, processing, entering, transmitting, transmitting data, information and signals; transmitters and receivers for radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and remote transmission; transmitters and/or receivers of digital data; transmitters and/or receivers of satellite data; antennas, electric data transmission cables; computer, telematics and telephone terminals, in particular for access to global telecommunications networks (of the Internet type) with free, reserved or private access (of the Intranet type) with free or reserved access; satellite geographical localisation receivers [GPS]; video servers, software for continuously broadcasting images, sounds, films, video, namely on demand (VOD), information and data; telecommunication and passenger information devices in stations; multimodal systems integrated into the management of rail and road transport to inform, secure and entertain passengers during their journeys; smoke evacuation systems, fire detection, radio telecommunication devices in tunnels and stations usable in cases of emergency; digital and electronic equipment dedicated to cyber-protection of railway systems; contactors, disconnectors, DC fast circuit breakers, single phase circuit breakers with vacuum switches, three-phase vacuum switches, switches, multifunctional roofing equipment and energy measuring systems; auxiliary converters for electric vehicles, buses, subways, regional trains, high-speed trains and locomotives; traction transformers for urban transit vehicles, regional trains, high-speed trains and locomotives; substations for power supply and supervisors of substations; electrical transformer station; rectifiers, inverters, converters, electric filters; protection devices against over-voltages or electrical interference; apparatus for recovering electrical energy produced by generation on a network; electrical active filtering devices for substations; digital control, regulation and protection for traction substation, associated software; equipment deposited under a railway or roadway for the power supply of passenger and/or freight transport vehicles, said power being supplied by electrical power components and switching; brackets for catenaries; automatic ticket purchase terminals; all these products being related to the railway, road and passenger and/or freight sectors.



Vehicles, including buses, coaches, autonomous electric vehicles and railway vehicles; railway rolling stock, including locomotives, carriages, railcars, self-propelled rail vehicles, high and very high speed rail vehicles, distributed or concentrated motorized rail trains, railway trains with or without a railcar, articulated or non - articulated rail trains; metros and other trains of public transport vehicles, automatic or non-automatic, namely railway vehicles with iron wheels or wheeled vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires or other types of ground connections; buses; coaches; railway carriages; electric vehicles including trams and buses; autonomous vehicles; engines for the aforesaid land vehicles, and parts thereof; pneumatic shock absorbers for the aforesaid land vehicles; transmission belts and corresponding gears for the aforesaid land vehicles; air pumps (vehicle accessories); drive shafts for the aforesaid land vehicles; propulsion mechanisms for the aforesaid land vehicles; brakes, bogies, axles, carriage bodies; carriages; car couplers; tank carriages, parts of land vehicles; shock absorbers for railway and road vehicles; vehicle bogies, vehicle engines, vehicle traction systems.



Construction, construction management, maintenance, repair, renovation, maintenance and installation; information relating to the construction and repair of railway infrastructure, metro, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; supervision [management] of construction work; railway infrastructure construction; production of coatings and tracks; repair information; installation and repair of devices reporting all accidents and incidents impacting rail and road traffic; installation, maintenance, repair and maintenance of control equipment for management of railway and urban transport lines; pumping and drainage of water; construction of railway tracks and structures of concrete or of any other material having support plates and/or anchor points in concrete or plastic material; all these services being related to rolling stock (generally for railways and road transport and/or freight vehicles, including locomotives and railway cars, high and very high speed rail vehicles, distributed or concentrated motorised railway cars, self-propelled or not self-propelled rail vehicles, rail trains, metro, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles) and rail, bus, electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle infrastructure.



Engineering, research and development of new materials and equipment; coordination of engineering, research and development of new materials and equipment; project planning, scientific and technological reporting, research and analysis and research industrial services provided by engineers and/or experts; energy saving tips; quality control; expertise [engineering work]; test of materials; mechanical research; research and development of new products for others; technical research; study of technical projects; engineering; construction consultancy; industrial tests; design, development, maintenance, updating and installation of computer systems and software; urban planning; research in environmental protection; control services for rail and road infrastructure; software consulting; software as a-service [SaaS]; scientific research and design to establish models (static or dynamic) and the integration of these models (engineering) into railway and road applications; engineering services; technical advisory services for the operation and supervision of computer and television broadcasting; technical consultancy services in information technology, telecommunications and television broadcasting; creation (design) of programs for the processing of data and texts of companies; technical consultations and research in telecommunications and television broadcasting; consultations and technical advice in telecommunications and computing; consultation in computers; rental of programs on computer media and by telecommunication; design (development) of computer systems and telecommunication and television broadcasting systems; technical project studies and research in maintenance (maintenance, installation, repair) of computer hardware, telecommunications and television broadcasting; computer technical consulting services; code and format conversion services between different types of texts; rental of access time to a database server centre; providing access to computer networks; creating and installing a web page; designing and maintaining websites; design, installation, maintenance, updating or rental of software, databases; monitoring services (control, monitoring) of computer networks for digital security of rail and/or road operations; design and development of computer languages for modelling and simulation; design of computer systems and embedded systems; providing computer programs for drawing maps and routes and guidance through a communication network; all these services being related to rail, road and public transport of passengers and/or goods.

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that ALSTOM claims all rights in respect of the aforesaid trade mark in Somalia and will initiate appropriate legal action against any person or persons found to be using the aforesaid trade mark or any other trade mark deceptively or confusingly similar, or otherwise infringes on its rights.






NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above trade mark (ALSTOM) is the property of (ALSTOM), a French Limited Company of 48 rue Albert Dhalenne, 93400 Saint-Ouen, FRANCE and that the same trade mark is used for the following products:


Class 6:

Common metals and their alloys; laminated, shaped, foundry, machined, wrought, semi-finished products based on tin, lead, aluminium and copper and their alloys; all semi-finished materials of tin, lead, aluminium and copper and their alloys; spun and rolled metal building materials; metal building materials; transportable metal constructions; rails and other metallic materials for railways; metal chains; non-electric cables and wires; non-electric locks; metal hardware; metal pipes; metal storage tanks, metal containers; metal valves; luminous or non-luminous signage, mechanical, non-mechanical (metallic); prefabricated conduits; metal fittings; metal beams; metal poles; aluminium products and alloys for buildings; fire door, non-electric door closers; railway sleepers; metal landing doors.


Class 7:

Rotating and static electrical machines; pneumatic, hydraulic, thermal and nuclear machines; numerically controlled machines; machines for processing plastics; machines and apparatus for civil engineering, building, drilling, underground prospecting, in particular concrete mixers, bitumen layers, grinders, centrifuges, compressors, crushers, hoppers; drainage machines, crushing rollers, extracting machines, filtering machines, drilling, tarring, kneading; machine tools; lifting and handling equipment; dynamos, alternators, generators, overhead cranes; cranes; parts of machines for rolling stock; greasers; air expansion valves; pistons; generators, pumps (machines); pumps (parts of machines or engines); machines and apparatus for vacuum; engines and their parts, spare parts (except for land vehicles); washing apparatus and cleaning machines; presses (machines for industrial use); steam generating apparatus (parts of machines); motor starters; control centre for motors, regulators (parts of machines); speed controllers, machines and motors; pressure regulators; power and voltage regulators, supply water; generators; electricity generators; propulsion mechanisms for non-land vehicles (including naval applications); elevators; lifts; electronic speed drives for electric motors; electric motors, their combinations in variable speed drives; programmable controllers; parts of engines for land vehicles; machines for inserting support plates and/or anchors in concrete or any other material in the plastic state, in particular for the construction of railways and/or road infrastructures for guiding land vehicles.


Class 9

Electric apparatus an instruments for traction, signalling, protection, traffic management and/or control, monitoring, control, passenger information, emergency (rescue), teaching, driving and control; control and monitoring apparatus for engines and electrical, electronic apparatus and computer hardware; scientific apparatus and instruments for distributing, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, all of which are covered for fixed or track and/or on board systems, for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed rail vehicles, for railway trains with distributed or concentrated motorisation, for railway cars with or without self-drive, for articulated railway trains or not, for trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; diagnostic apparatus for fixed and mobile road and rail vehicles, including optical, data visualization, measurement, monitoring and control equipment, in particular lasers and surveillance cameras; electronic and electrical equipment for processing satellite location data and electronic and electrical apparatus for monitoring rail and road traffic; system for analysis and diagnosis of the state of railway and road equipment and infrastructure; control equipment for the management of railway and road transport lines; electrodynamic apparatus for remote control of railway switches; alarm instruments and devices; acoustic alarms; command transmitters, warning systems; fire extinguishers ; control and diagnostic apparatus including optical, data visualization, measurement, monitoring and control equipment, in particular lasers and surveillance cameras; data transmission apparatus and equipment; electrical conductors for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed railway vehicles, for distributed or concentrated motorised railway trains, for railway trains comprising or not self-propelled, for articulated or non-articulated railway trains, for trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, for stations and substations; electrical cables; electrical collectors; electrical and electronic remote control systems for railway and road operations; control panels (electrical); control panels (computerised) of railway and road operations; electrical switching apparatus; electric batteries; electric chargers; accumulators and batteries; electric conductors of all kinds; electrical conduits; speed controllers for railway vehicles, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; optical and magnetic data carriers; electrical and electronic relays; speed indicators; light or non-luminous signalling, optical, mechanical, non-mechanical for railway vehicles, for tramways and buses; luminous or mechanical signs; light terminals; electrodynamic apparatus for remote control of signals; electronic signal transmitters; safety apparatus for rail and road traffic; electronic bulletin boards; apparatus for time recording; electric audio warnings; transformers; navigation apparatus for railway and road vehicles (on-board computers); radio navigation apparatus for railway and road vehicles (on-board computers); data processing apparatus; distance measurement and recording apparatus for rail and road vehicles; automatic steering devices for vehicles; voltage regulators for rail and road vehicles; software (recorded programs); software integrated in signalling, control and monitoring devices for railway vehicles, tramways, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; computer programs, namely guidance programs, route search and map plotting for rail and road traffic; mobile telecommunications terminals for rail and road traffic; management software and computer equipment for the analysing and processing data collected by an analysis and diagnostic system, making it possible to ensure continuous management of rail and road traffic and maintenance and continuous or predictive adaptation of rail and road traffic; management software and computer equipment for modelling and simulating rail and road equipment and optimising rail and road equipment; software platform for modelling and numerical simulation, software platform for simulation protocols; satellite navigation apparatus; data processing equipment and computers for fixed, track and/or on-board systems, for railway rolling stock, for high and very high speed railway vehicles, for distributed or concentrated motor trains, for railway trains with or without a self-propelled vehicle, for articulated or non-articulated railway trains, for buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; apparatus for transmitting, recording, transmitting, reproducing sound or images embedded or not in railway vehicles, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; telecommunication apparatus, input, storage, data and information processing or data equipment; apparatus for input, counting, collecting, storing, converting, processing, entering, transmitting, transmitting data, information and signals; transmitters and receivers for radio broadcasting, television broadcasting and remote transmission; transmitters and/or receivers of digital data; transmitters and/or receivers of satellite data; antennas, electric data transmission cables; computer, telematics and telephone terminals, in particular for access to global telecommunications networks (of the Internet type) with free, reserved or private access (of the Intranet type) with free or reserved access; satellite geographical localisation receivers [GPS]; video servers, software for continuously broadcasting images, sounds, films, video, namely on demand (VOD), information and data; telecommunication and passenger information devices in stations; multimodal systems integrated into the management of rail and road transport to inform, secure and entertain passengers during their journeys; smoke evacuation systems, fire detection, radio telecommunication devices in tunnels and stations usable in cases of emergency; digital and electronic equipment dedicated to cyber-protection of railway systems; contactors, disconnectors, DC fast circuit breakers, single phase circuit breakers with vacuum switches, three-phase vacuum switches, switches, multifunctional roofing equipment and energy measuring systems; auxiliary converters for electric vehicles, buses, subways, regional trains, high-speed trains and locomotives; traction transformers for urban transit vehicles, regional trains, high-speed trains and locomotives; substations for power supply and supervisors of substations; electrical transformer station; rectifiers, inverters, converters, electric filters; protection devices against over-voltages or electrical interference; apparatus for recovering electrical energy produced by generation on a network; electrical active filtering devices for substations; digital control, regulation and protection for traction substation, associated software; equipment deposited under a railway or roadway for the power supply of passenger and/or freight transport vehicles, said power being supplied by electrical power components and switching; brackets for catenaries; automatic ticket purchase terminals; all these products being related to the railway, road and passenger and/or freight sectors.


Class 11

Installations and apparatus for lighting, climate control, heating, steam generation, cooking, refrigeration, drying, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply; draft regulators (heating); sanitary installations, in particular air filters, water filters; machines for heating; air dryers; apparatus and machines for purifying air and water.


Class 12

Vehicles, including buses, coaches, autonomous electric vehicles and railway vehicles; railway rolling stock, including locomotives, carriages, railcars, self-propelled rail vehicles, high and very high speed rail vehicles, distributed or concentrated motorized rail trains, railway trains with or without a railcar, articulated or non - articulated rail trains; metros and other trains of public transport vehicles, automatic or non-automatic, namely railway vehicles with iron wheels or wheeled vehicles equipped with pneumatic tires or other types of ground connections; buses; coaches; railway carriages; electric vehicles including trams and buses; autonomous vehicles; engines for the aforesaid land vehicles, and parts thereof; pneumatic shock absorbers for the aforesaid land vehicles; transmission belts and corresponding gears for the aforesaid land vehicles; air pumps (vehicle accessories); drive shafts for the aforesaid land vehicles; propulsion mechanisms for the aforesaid land vehicles; brakes, bogies, axles, carriage bodies; carriages; car couplers; tank carriages, parts of land vehicles; shock absorbers for railway and road vehicles; vehicle bogies, vehicle engines, vehicle traction systems.

Class 19

Non-metallic building materials; non-metallic waterproofing coatings; prefabricated elements, products for construction of roads; non-metallic transportable buildings; non-metallic monuments; non-metallic prefabricated platforms; storage tanks; prefabricated conduits; bituminous materials; prefabricated building materials; construction materials ; natural and artificial stones, cement, lime, mortar, plaster and gravel; risers; concrete posts; refractory bricks; refractory materials for the protection of furnaces; non-luminous and non-mechanical signalling (non-metallic); non-metallic railway track sleepers; non-metallic landing doors; non-metallic joints of railway sleepers; non-metallic anti-vibration parts for railway construction.

Class 37

Construction, construction management, maintenance, repair, renovation, maintenance and installation; information relating to the construction and repair of railway infrastructure, metro, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles; supervision [management] of construction work; railway infrastructure construction; production of coatings and tracks; repair information; installation and repair of devices reporting all accidents and incidents impacting rail and road traffic; installation, maintenance, repair and maintenance of control equipment for management of railway and urban transport lines; pumping and drainage of water; construction of railway tracks and structures of concrete or of any other material having support plates and/or anchor points in concrete or plastic material; all these services being related to rolling stock (generally for railways and road transport and/or freight vehicles, including locomotives and railway cars, high and very high speed rail vehicles, distributed or concentrated motorised railway cars, self-propelled or not self-propelled rail vehicles, rail trains, metro, trams, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles) and rail, bus, electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle infrastructure.

Class 39

Transport; train, bus, metro, tram, electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle services for passengers or goods; transport of passengers by train, bus, metro and tramway; freight brokerage; transport brokerage; freight [transport of goods]; rental of equipment; assistance in case of breakdowns; information and provision of traffic information; transportation information; routing services; information services on the timetables of trains, buses and trams and all other means of transport; rental of train, carriage, electric vehicle, bus, metro and tramway motors; warehouse rentals; logistical services : vehicle inspection services; information services relating to the planning and organisation of flows; logistical studies; traffic control services; travel reservation services; railway and road terminal operations; rail and road intermodal terminal services; management of multimodal rail and road transport platforms; all these services being related to rai, road, public transport of passengers and goods, and railway vehicles, buses, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles.

Class 40

Custom materials assembly services for third parties; materials processing; information about materials processing; galvanization; cathodic protection namely anti-corrosion mechanisms; sintering materials; plastic processing; electric welding; sawing, planing, cutting, shaping, polishing, metal coating services; dyeing of fabrics or clothing; waterproofing of fabrics; flame retardant fabrics; binding of documents; tinning; purification and regeneration of air; vulcanisation (materials processing); all these services being related to rail, road and public transport of passengers and/or goods.

Class 42

Engineering, research and development of new materials and equipment; coordination of engineering, research and development of new materials and equipment; project planning, scientific and technological reporting, research and analysis and research industrial services provided by engineers and/or experts; energy saving tips; quality control; expertise [engineering work]; test of materials; mechanical research; research and development of new products for others; technical research; study of technical projects; engineering; construction consultancy; industrial tests; design, development, maintenance, updating and installation of computer systems and software; urban planning; research in environmental protection; control services for rail and road infrastructure; software consulting; software as a-service [SaaS]; scientific research and design to establish models (static or dynamic) and the integration of these models (engineering) into railway and road applications; engineering services; technical advisory services for the operation and supervision of computer and television broadcasting; technical consultancy services in information technology, telecommunications and television broadcasting; creation (design) of programs for the processing of data and texts of companies; technical consultations and research in telecommunications and television broadcasting; consultations and technical advice in telecommunications and computing; consultation in computers; rental of programs on computer media and by telecommunication; design (development) of computer systems and telecommunication and television broadcasting systems; technical project studies and research in maintenance (maintenance, installation, repair) of computer hardware, telecommunications and television broadcasting; computer technical consulting services; code and format conversion services between different types of texts; rental of access time to a database server centre; providing access to computer networks; creating and installing a web page; designing and maintaining websites; design, installation, maintenance, updating or rental of software, databases; monitoring services (control, monitoring) of computer networks for digital security of rail and/or road operations; design and development of computer languages for modelling and simulation; design of computer systems and embedded systems; providing computer programs for drawing maps and routes and guidance through a communication network; all these services being related to rail, road and public transport of passengers and/or goods.

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that ALSTOM claims all rights in respect of the aforesaid trade mark in Somalia and will initiate appropriate legal action against any person or persons found to be using the aforesaid trade mark or any other trade mark deceptively or confusingly similar, or otherwise infringes on its rights.

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