Twenty young journalists concluded training improving their professional skills in Mogadishu
Mogadishu, Monday, February 26, 2024:The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has finalized training with young newly employed journalists across Somalia on professional skills in Mogadishu. Somalia.
The 2 -day training workshop held from 25th to 26th February at Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu hosted for 20 young journalists selected from various media outlets including Radio Kulmiye, Voice of Banadir Regional Radio, Radio Himilo, Radio Shabelle, Radio Mustaqbal, Radio Danan, Radio Arlaadii, Radio Hiranweyn, SNTV, SPTV, Mogadishu Times Newspaper, Hamar Newspaper and Freelancers. The participants were consisting of editors, reporters, producers, writers and presenters.
In his opening remarks for the training, Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ pointed out the intention is to improve the professional capacity of the young journalists especially in the ethics of journalism which is essential to be practically implemented. He added there is yellow journalists reporting fake news that needs to be reversed by respecting the media regulations.
"The training is focusing on further improving the quality journalists reporting on the various media content for the public interest and the ethical commitment.” Farah Omar Nur stated.
Mohamed Mohamud Adde, Senior media expert indicated in his speech that its significant to upgrade the capacity enhancement for the young newly employed journalists which will eventually empower them to make a balanced and fair reporting.
"FESOJ is working towards protecting the safety of the journalists, improving their professional skills and strengthen their confidence.” Mohamed Mohamud Adde added.
During the 2-day training proceedings, the participants were taken through the main themes focusing on: Journalism ethics, the media law, gender sensitive reporting, conflict sensitive reporting, use of social media – roles and critiques and combating disinformation.
One of the participants Hassan Kaafi Haji Mohamed , Editor , Voice of Banadir Regional Radio , Mogadishu stated that he learned from the how to make (Vox pop), the role of the media in conflict sensitive reporting and encouraging peaceful solutions.
"Also, we learned how to write news in manner based on ethics and accountability. We thank FESOJ for the training opportunity.” Hassan Kaafi mentioned.
Furthermore, Faduma Mohamed Bulle, presenter, Radio Danan , Mogadishu on her part mentioned that all the topics raised during the 2- day training workshop was very fruitful for her capacity building and upgrading, especially the theme on the gender sensitive reporting was very interesting to her.
In his closing remarks, Farah Omar Nur, the Secretary General of FESOJ expressed to be very pleased with successfully completing the 2 – day training for the newly young newly employed journalists with basic professional skills and what is believed to be significant for the media including how to cover gender sensitive issues.
Moreover, he stated the young journalists were presented with the other themes including disinformation, how to deal carefully with the social media and the ethics that generally safeguard the professional skills.
"The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) is intending to implement related training workshops with newly employed journalists in the major regional states across Somalia in this year 2024.” Farha Omar Nur, the Secretary General of FESOJ pointed out.
The training workshop is part of program activities funded by the EU, supported by Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and implemented by FESOJ in cooperation with VIKES.

Twenty young journalists concluded training improving their professional skills in Mogadishu