80 Journalists and Youth have completed UNSOM supported training program in the cities of Beledweyne and Kismayo

Tuesday May 16, 2023 - 13:28:11 in Wararka by
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    80 Journalists and Youth have completed UNSOM supported training program in the cities of Beledweyne and Kismayo


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The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) concluded 3-day journalists’ training workshops on reporting youth. The event, which was part of the third phase of such training workshop programs, has been held simultaneously in Beledweyne city, Hirshabelle State and Kismayo city of Jubbaland State.

A total of 80 participants, including journalists and youth, attended the two training workshops mainly intended to improve journalists' capacity in reporting on youth issues.

Additionally, the training organized by FESOJ and supported by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) aimed to improve the awareness of young people’s rights and enhance media coverage featuring youth from different backgrounds, viewpoints, priorities, and activities. Well-qualified trainers have been designated to facilitate the training workshops at the targeted areas in Beledweyne, Hirshabelle State and Kismayo of Jubbaland State.

"The training has many advantages for the journalists and youth, especially on how to report youth issues. It coincided with the implementation of similar training at the various regional states across Somalia. The training provided an opportunity for the youth and journalists to reintegrate, cooperate and discuss significant issues such as the role of youth in preventing the current flooding in Beledweyne city.” Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ, said.

The key topics covered during the three-day training workshop comprised of News worth elements, Interview skills and Vox pop, Ethical reporting and protecting sources, Conflict sensitive reporting, Youth peace, youth rights and Challenges, Reporting Youth issues, Introducing to International and African union convention on youth and Media Law.

During the proceedings of the training workshop, the participating reporters and youth discussed productive ideas and discussions relating to the key lessons they have learned.

The participants, both the youth and reporters, thanked UNSOM for supporting the training program, which has given them an opportunity to fully discuss the impact of addressing youth issues jointly and has requested such gatherings be sustained.

In conclusion, the youth and the journalists pointed out it’s the first time they are participating in this type of training program and have appreciated FESOJ and UNSOM for the opportunity. They have indicated to have learned how to take interviews, how to gather public opinion and how to report youth issues and the ethics of journalism.

The participants, both the youth and reporters, thanked UNSOM for supporting the training program, which has given them an opportunity to fully discuss the impact of addressing youth issues jointly and have requested such gatherings be sustained.

In conclusion, the youth and the journalists pointed out it’s the first time they are participating this type of training program and have appreciated FESOJ and UNSOM for the opportunity. They have indicated to have learned how to take interviews, gather public opinion and report youth issues and the ethics of journalism.

The youth on their part have pointed out to have received the opportunity to have discussed their priority needs and how they will present their performances in the media.

Furthermore, Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ, has thanked the journalists and the youth of Beledweyne City and Kismayo City for their active participation during the training sessions. End.

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