SJS condemns recent multiple journalists' arrests in Galmudug, Hirshabelle and Somaliland; raid on radio Hiiraanweyn and the threats from regional state leaders

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    SJS condemns recent multiple journalists' arrests in Galmudug, Hirshabelle and Somaliland; raid on radio Hiiraanweyn and the threats from regional state leaders


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Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) condemns the recent multiple arbitrary detentions against journalists working in Galmudug, Hirshabelle and Somaliland; the raid on Radio Hiiraanweyn and the verbal threats by Puntland and Galmudug regional state leaders amid increased crackdown on journalists and independent media houses.

On 16 January, Somaliland police in Borame detained four journalists: Husein Ateye Gaafane (Universal TV); Abdillahi Dahir Waeys (SAAB TV); Ahmed Diriye Iltire (SBC TV) and Shu’eyb Mohamed Kahin (Bulsho TV) after reportingunannounced tripby the Mayor of Borame City, Saleban Hassan Hadi amid an ongoingaudit investigation on the Borame City Council, according to the journalists. They were not charged and were allfreed without conditionon Wednesday 20 January.

On the morning of Wednesday 20 January, five armed men from the security detail of the Vice President of Hirshabelle State, Yusuf Ahmed Hagarraidedthe premised of Radio Hiiraanweyn in Beledweyne, harassed the radio staff and laterdetainedjournalist Omar Muhidiin Omar over allegation that he created a Facebook Page used to criticise the Hirshabelle State Vice President, and allegation that the journalist refused. According to Omar himself, after 24 hours in police custody, the journalist was arraigned at Hiiraan Regional Court without a lawyer. He was later set free due to insufficient evidence to charge him on Thursday 21 January.

On Wednesday 20 January, Galmudug policearrestedtwo journalists: Mohamed Abdiwali Tohow (Universal TV and Radio Kulmiye) and Abdullahi Warsame Roble (SNTV) in Dhusamareb. According to the journalists and an Galmudug Information Ministry official who spoke to SJS, the arrest was ordered by Galmudug State Presidential officials due to the journalists’ recent reporting on al-Shabaab attacks in Galgadud region. Both werefreedon Thursday 21 January without charges.

On 13 January 2021, Somali police officerblocked and beatenRadio Simba reporter, Mohamud Nur Mohamud while covering abomb blastin Bakaro market, Mogadishu that day. According to the journalist, he dropped the assignment and returned back to the radio station.

On 17 January 2021,while addressingnewly trained police force in Qardho, the Puntland State President, Said Abdullahi Deniwarned criticson social media with legal action saying that "Puntland police will arrest those insulting government officials on Facebook and those using Facebook to incite the public or call for uprising and murder”. The President further threatened that "police will impose criminal charges on them wherever they go or live”.

On 19 January, during apublic addressin Galkayo, Galmudug State President, Ahmed Abdi Kariye Qoorqoor threatened journalists and media houses with undefined consequences "forreporting and exaggeratingal-Shabaab attacks: He said "those who exaggerate the menace caused by the terrorists are like the terrorists and we are at war with them”.

"SJS condemns the arrests of journalists in Dhusamareb, Borame and Beledweyne. We are deeply concerned by the increased cases of arbitrary arrests against journalists across the country ahead of the proposed general elections,” Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, the Scretary General of Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) said, "We also condemn the threatening calls from Puntland and Galmudug leaders as we call for them to retract their comments meant to suppress freedom of the press and to censor the journalists’ ability to report independently.”

"We would like to remind local authorities- at federal and regional levels- to respect rights of journalists and uphold freedom of the press as a core constitutional right,” Mr. Mumin says.(END)


SJS waxay cambaareyneysaa xarigga wariyayaasha ee Galmudug, Hirshabeelle iyo Somaliland; gelitaanka Radio Hiiraanweyn iyo hanjabaadyo ka timid madaxda dowlad goboleedyada

MUQDISHO, Soomaaliya, 24 Janaayo 2021 – Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS) wuxuu cambaareynayaa xarigga sharci darrada ee weriyayaasha ee ugu dambeeyay ee ka dhacay Galmudug, Hirshabelle iyo Somaliland, gelitaanka Radio Hiiraanweyn iyo hadallada hanjabaadaha ah ee ka yimid madaxda dowlad gobolleedyada qaarkood xilli ay sii kordhayaan xadgudubyada ka dhanka ah saxaafadda dalka.

16kii Jannaayo, Booliska magaalada Boorame waxay xabsiga u taxaabeen afar saxafi oo kala ah; Xuseen Caateeye Gaafane oo ka howlgala Universal TV; Cabdillaahi Daahir Waceys oo ka howlgala SAAB TV; Axmed Diiriye Ciiltire oo ka hawlgala SBC TV iyo Shuceyb Maxamed Kaahin oo ka howlgala Bulsho TV. Xarigga suxufiyiintan ayaa yimid ka gadaal markii ay tebiyeen safar qarsoodi ah oo Duqa magaalada Boorame, Saleebaan Xasan Xaddi uu u baxay xilli uu socdo baaritaan hantidhowrka la xiriira oo lagu hayey golaha maamulka magaalada Boorame. Afarta weriye wax eed ah laguma soo oogin, waxaana lagu sii daayay shuruud la’aan Arbacadii 20ka Janaayo.

Subaxnimadii Arbacada ee 20ka Jannaayo, shan askari oo hubeysan oo ka tirsan xafiiska madaxweyne ku xigeenka Hirshabelle, Yusuf Axmed Hagar ayaa weerar ku qaaday xarunta idaacadda Hiiraanweyn iyagoo handaday shaqaalihii idaacadda, kaddibna xabsiga u taxaabay weriye Cumar Muxudiin Cumar ooay ku eedeeyeen inuusameeyay bog Facebook oo lagu dhaliilay madaxweyne ku xigeenka Hirshabelle, balse eedahaas suxufigu wuu iska diiday. Sida uu Cumar u sheegay SJS, kaddib 24 saac oo lagu hayey saldhigga booliska ayaa la geeyay maxkamadda Gobolka Hiiraan isagoo bilaa qareen ah. Maxkamadda waxay siideysay weriye Cumar Khamiidtii 21ka Janaayo, maadaama eedihii loo heystay loo waayey wax caddeyn ah.

20kii Jannaayo, booliska magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee Galmudug ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay Maxamed Cabdiweli Tooxow oo u shaqeeya Universal TV iyo Radio Kulmiye iyo Cabdullahi Warsame Rooble oo u shaqeeya SNTV. Sida ay suxufiyiintu iyo sarkaal ka dhisan Wasaarada Warfaafinta Galmudug u sheegeen SJS, xarigga suxufiyiinta ayaa lagu xiray ammarka madaxtooyada Galmudug sababo la xiriira waribixino suxufiyiintu dhowaan ka tebiyeen weerarada Al-Shabaab ee gobolka. Labada suxufi ayaa la sii daayay 21kii Janaayo iyagoo wax eedeyn ah lagu oogin.

13kii Jannaayo, booliska Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya ayaa garaacay, horjoogsina ku sameeyay weriye Maxamuud Nuur Maxamuud oo ka hawlgala Radio Simba ee magaalada Muqdisho. Suxufiga ayaa xiligaas isku dayey inuu muuqaalo kasoo duubo goob uu qarax ka dhacay oo ku taalla suuqa Bakaaraha ee Muqdisho. Sida weriye Maxamuud u sheegay SJS, ma uusan sii wadin muuqaalladii uu duubayey, wuxuuna dib ugu noqday xaruntii idaacadda.

17kii Jannaayo, Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullahi Deni, oo u khudbeynayay askar cusub oo boolis ah tababar ugu soo dhammaaday magaalada Qardho, ayaa uga digay dadka mamulkiisa ku dhaliila baraha bulshada inay caddaaladda la tiigsan doonaan, isagoo sheegay in "Booliska Puntland ay xiri doonaan kuwa Facebook ku caaya masuuliyiinta dowladda iyo dadka facebook-ga u isticmaala kicin dadweyne”. Madaxweyne Deni wuxuu sidoo kale ku hanjabay in denbi lagu soo oogi doono dadka dhaliila maamulka goor walba iyo meelkasta oo ay joogaan.

19kii Jannaayo, Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaahiye (Qoorqoor), oo dadweyne kula hadlayay magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa ugu hanjabay suxufiyiinta iyo warbaahinta inay ‘cawaaqib uusan sheegin’ la kulmi doonaan haddii ay buunbuuniyaan wararka ku saabsan ‘dhibaatada ay geysanayaan’ Al-Shabab isagoo yiri, "Kuwii buunbuuniya dhibaatada ay geystaan argagixisada waxa ay la mid yihiin argagixisada, waana la dagaalameynaa”.

"Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed wuxuu cambaareynayaa xarigga loo geystay suxufiyiinta kala jooga Dhuusamareeb, Boorame iyo Beledweyne. Waxaan aad uga walaacsanahay beegsiga ka dhanka ah suxufiyiinta ee sii kordhaya ka hor doorashooyinka la filayo inay dalka ka dhacaan,” ayuu yiri Cabdalle Axmed Mumin, Xoghayaha Guud ee Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed (SJS), isagoo cambaareeyay hadallada hanjabaadaha ee ay jeediyeen madaxda Puntland iyo Galmudug, uguna baaqay Puntland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle iyo Somaliland inay ka digtoonaadaan cabburinta xorriyadda saxaafadda iyo faafreebka ka dhanka ah wartebinta madaxa-bannaan ee suxufiyiinta.

"Waxaanu xasuusineynaa Maamul Gobolleedyada inay xushmeeyaan xuquuqda suxufiyiinta iyo xorriyadda hadalka, kuwaas oo ah xuquuq dastuuri ah oo lama taabtaan ah,” Xoghayaha Guud ee SJS Cabdalle Mumin ayaa intaa ku daray.(DHAMAAD)

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